


Locations are the physical addresses of the users and / or offices
Tip - If you have users who are working from home, the creation of Working from Home location can be made where items such as VPN security groups can be used for these locations.
Tip - If you have users who are working from home, the creation of Working from Home location can be made where items such as VPN security groups can be used for these locations.

Adding a New Location

notion image
  1. Goto ⚙️ Admin Page > Locations > Add
  1. You will then need to fill out out the various fields
Note only Title is mandatory for the location
Note only Title is mandatory for the location


What is a location?
A location is physical location, this would typically be a office or site location of the company where the user primarily works from.
What if a user works out of multiple locations
If the user works out of multiple locations it is suggested that he is assigned to a primary location during mapping and other access is granted through department or role mappings.